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Overfuel Case Study

DataOne assists with improvements in loss ratio management for TCA



Overfuel is an industry-leading digital retail platform for automotive dealerships that empowers dealers to manage their digital presence, vehicle shopping experience, appointments, and payment tracking. Designed to consolidate the key facets of dealership sales and marketing into a single system, Overfuel’s mission is to “revolutionize the way dealerships serve their customers.” In support of this mission, they have incorporated DataOne Software’s vehicle database and VIN decoding tools as a foundation for their continued advancements in customer experience, inventory management, and business intelligence.

Key Benefits of Working With DataOne

  • Data right-sized to Overfuel's stage of growth
  • Exceptional support for Overfuel's product vision as they continue to expand their offerings
  • Quick turnaround time for full implementation
  • Top-notch data standardization and weighted features to support digital retailing