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Dealer eProcess Case Study

Dealer eProcess generates up to 30% more lead forms for dealer clients thanks to DataOne Extended Vehicle Data


Dealer eProcess is always on the cutting-edge of the latest new technology in web design, search engine optimization (SEO) and search engine marketing (SEM) for the automotive industry. In business for eight years and with over 1,000 dealer clients nationwide, the company excels at creating comprehensive Vehicle Detail Pages (VDP) and inventory-specific advertisements that generate up to 30 percent more lead forms for their dealers.

A crucial component of their success: VIN decoding and Extended Vehicle Data from DataOne.

Key Benefits of Leveraging DataOne

  • Provides vehicle data beyond what's encoded in the VIN (Details, Specs, MSRP, Crash Test Ratings, etc.)
  • Enables multiple specific ads for each vehicle
  • Particularly helpful for moving non-franchised used vehicles