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Automotive Data Redundancy Whitepaper | DataOne Software

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A Security and Business-Based Case for Automotive Data Redundancy

A Security and Business-Based Case for Automotive Data Redundancy

Every company's technology stack is open to single points of failure that can come from a variety of sources, including unintended service disruptions, and attacks from malicious actors. These failure points can inflict long-term damage to a company's revenue and reputation, and efforts to mitigate them need to be thoroughly explored.

Redundancy measures for your vehicle data are simple to implement with minimal impact to your technology overhead. Failsafes for your vehicle data delivery ensures your organization can continue moving forward with their critical tasks and maintain stability internally and with your customer base.

This white paper makes the following recommendations to ensure your business's ROI is not compromised via vendor-induced disruptions and ransomware attacks :

  • Research secondary data providers who could provide an alternative option in case your primary provider is disrupted or no longer viable.
  • Identify alternative delivery options in case your API feed experiences downtime.
  • Evaluate your data providers infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS) setup and how it addresses failure points. 




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